POLIBIZ: Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Democrats Become the Party of the Wealthy Elites and Educated Classes

Sep 23, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Democrats Become the Party of the Wealthy Elites and Educated Classes

The former Democrat who is now an ally of Donald Trump writes about a sea-change happening in American politics, as the Democrats become the party of the wealthy elites and educated classes, and the Republicans become the party of the working class. 

In 2020 presidential election, most high-incomed States located in the East and West Coast of the nation voted for Democrats.


He further noted that the reversal is not yet complete, but it continues as traditional Democrat supporters like Blacks and Latinos migrate to the GOP.

Richer States and Poorer States

The demographic of the past few elections show that the States voting for Democrats mostly locate in the East and West coasts of the country which are properous ones; while the rest which favor Republicans are poorer States.

During the past two elections, Trump supporters mostly came from non-colleged, living in the rural areas; while Clinton/Biden gained more favor from the colleged voters and urbaners. Latest polls of the 2024 presidential race show the same trends.

Richer Donors and Poorer Donors

Fundraising of Presidential Candidates in an Election Circle 

The fundraising of a presidential candidate somehow reflects his/her voter base. In most cases, the fundraising performance is not an indicator of whether  such candidate is fit or unfit for presidency, instead it shows how rich his/her supporters are and to which extent the deal between the candidate and the supporters is.

Notably, a majority of raised money mostly comes from billionaires and big corporations, not from the small cash of the working classes.

The fundraising data of recent elections unveils that Democrats can raise twice or triple what Republicans can do. 

In the 2024 presidential race, Kamala Harris keeps telling that she was born in a working class family, maybe to exploit something in common with the working-class voters; actually she has the condition of and is spending for her campaign much more than Trump can do, despite he is a billionaire.

Higher Educated or Lower Educated Voters

Total student loan forgiveness approved by the Biden-Harris Administration has reached $168.5 billion for 4.76 million Americans by July 2024, which includes $69.2 billion for 946,000 borrowers through PSLF. 

Such a policy by Biden/Harris is a good way to award and maintain the loyalty of high-educated voters for Democrats. Republicans say Biden overstepped his authority and illegally sidestepped Congress in pursuit of loan cancellation, which was a key campaign promise of Biden. 

According to Republicans, it’s too expensive and unfairly benefits college graduates at the expense of taxpayers who didn’t go to college. It’s also unfair to the graduates who had paid all all the loan.

Meanwhile, just 6 months after taking over the White House in 2016, then-President Donald Trump signed an executive order that directs the federal government to take the emphasis off whether a job candidate has a college degree and instead assess an applicant's job skills. Some large employers in the private sector have already adopted this point of view. That’s not so complicated to understand why a degree holder would prefer Democrats  to Republicans in any election.