POLIBIZ: Described as a Bad Pick of Trump at First, JD Vance Now Proves to be Treasure of Republicans

Oct 2, 2024

Described as a Bad Pick of Trump at First, JD Vance Now Proves to be Treasure of Republicans

POLIBIZ –  “Calm, Cool, Collected, Eloquent, Intelligent” are all the nice words most viewers use to praise for Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance’s performance on his debate with his Democrat opponent Tim Walz hosted by CBS on 2nd Oct.

Donald Trump's running mate - Ohio Senator J.D. Vance at Vice Presidential Debate hosted by CBS on 2nd Oct 2024


In overall, this can be an elegant, civilized political debate in decades since both debaters focus on policies rather than personal issues attacks. The opponents also refrained from using bad words to describe each other. “Reasoning” was the main theme instead of “Insulting”. 

Picked by Donald Trump in August 2024 as his running mate in the presidential race, Ohio Senator Vance then faced certain oppositions among Republicans since he was found too young or not much experienced in the political stages, and some of his tough comments on women were dig up for criticisms.

After the debate, the excitements among Republican supporters are so high that some even expect Vance to become the presidential candidate in 2028.

Actually, Vance has proved his excellent eloquence during some past small rallies and Q&A with press, but has not drawn much public attention until this widely-televised high-profile debate. This can be seen as the official introduction of Vance to the whole USA.

Telling what should be heard and understood

In the process of debate, an important achievement of Vance was to successfully paint the picture of contemporary America with all its striking loopholes, and the policies that the future Trump Administration would help to repaint it:

- High-inflation
- Housing congestion
- Threat from illegal immigrants to the nation’s security, society, economy
- Escalating foreign wars

In the presidential debate between Trump and Harris in Sept 2024, the former President somehow got trapped in the sneaky “cat and mouse” game set up by Harris. The chase on tiny issues made Trump lose his focus on highlighting what kind of big threats the US is facing and what he would do to solve the problems. Now Vance help Trump achieve that target.

Having profound knowledge and knowing how to apply it

It’s obvious Vance has a wide systematic knowledge on a variety of matters, from economics to society. But more important, he has the skill to pick immediately the right piece in the big matrix picture to deliver a proper and articulate answer.

Academic-lean in thinking and approach of Vance would likely help Trump reach out the voters with college degree. Let’s see how it works in the next polls.

Sharing a touching story of a struggling working family through generations

The bible “I was born in a middle-class family” of Kamala Harris has been a way for her to earn some good feeling and empathy from the middle-class voters, and also as a way to mock Donald J Trump for being an inherited billionaire. However, that repetitive bible won’t work on Vance.

The background of Vance and his youth are something quite clear, at least to the many book readers and movie viewers, through his best-seller Hillbilly Elegy 2016 which was scripted into a movie in 2020. At the debate, Vance introduced himself with this background; and concluded his debate also on his background.

I was being raised by my grandmother when she didn't have enough money to turn on the heat some nights because Ohio gets pretty cold at night and because money was often very tight”, Vance told his story during the debate. Such story would be quite appealing to voters who are struggling in the economy of high-inflation, low-wage and impeding unemployment threat.

Now with Vance’s stories reach the middle-class, Harris’ bible of “I was born in a middle-class family” would likely turn into a bed-time story for children.