Jan 9, 2020

Trudeau with beard remarks on plane crash in Iran, mostly Canadians dead

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks in Ottawa following the fatal plane crash outside of Tehran, Iran, that claimed the lives of 176 people, including 63 Canadians.

Dec 28, 2019

More joke on Trump's appearance deleted from "Home Alone 2"

In one of our favorite Christmas movies "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Donald Trump had a cameo appearance just for a few second. But in the edited version of Canadian CBC, he is no longer there. The scene has been deleted. Trump fans now feel angry and call it "censorship". 

Upon knowing that fact, Trump makes a joke on Twitter ... 

Oct 23, 2019

Justin Trudeau Wins Second Term As Prime Minister But As a Minority Government

Justin Trudeau has won a second term as Canada’s prime minister – but has lost his majority in parliament. His Liberal party had 157 seats in parliament – 13 short of the 170 needed for to be a majority.

This also means that Trudeau's party has lost 27 seats, considering the 184 seats in won in the 2015 election.  His popularity drops during the election campaign after photos of him in brownface and blackface during his years as a teacher emerged.

The Canadian vote came down to what was essentially a choice between Liberals’ Trudeau and the Conservatives’ Andrew Scheer.  Scheer’s party had secured an extra 26 seats, making it total in 121 seats in parliament.  Conservatives make real good progress but not strong enough to defeat Liberals.

Being a minority winner, Trudeau would have to rely on another small party in parliament, possible the left-wing New Democrats, to form government and pass future legislation.

Trudeau received an endorsement from former US president Barack Obama during the campaign.  After being updated with the results, on Twitter, Donald Trump congratulated Trudeau for his “wonderful and hard fought victory”, and wrote “I look forward to working with you toward the betterment of both of our countries,”.

By #GSCorp

Aug 4, 2019

Amid 2 mass shootings, Donald Trump was blamed for fueling hatred


A 21-year-old gunman with a hatred of Hispanic immigrants killed 20 people in a shopping mall in one of the deadliest mass shooting in American history. Just less than 13 hours later, nine people were killed in Dayton, Ohio, in a mass shooting.

Donald Trump who is famous for his anti-immigrant sentiments and statements is now blamed for fueling the hatred leading to the shootings. Also his connection with the National Rifle Association (NRA) which was a key part of his coalition, spending $30m to help him beat Hillary Clinton, and his resistance to basic gun-control measures now make him much a target for criticism.

Nancy Pelosi @SpeakerPelosi – Speaker of the House of Representatives:

We have a responsibility to the people we serve to act. The @SenateGOP  must stop their outrageous obstruction & join the House to put an end to the horror and bloodshed that gun violence inflicts every day in America.

Lauren German @LaurenGerman – Actress (Chloe in Lucifer Show of Netflix)

Why can’t both sides come together on #GunConrolNow Yes, some people absolutely should be allowed to have guns. And YES others absolutely shouldn’t. So little criteria’s required. With the crisis that WE DO HAVE here in the US why not get smart & logical. #gunreformnow

Armie Hammer @armiehammer – Actor (Oliver in Call Me By Your Name)

Friendly reminder: there has been more than 1 mass shooting per day (251 in total) this year... and of the people who didn’t die and went to the hospital, just remember that 62% of all American bankruptcies are due to medical bills. #GodBlessAmerica

Misha Collins @mishacollins – Actor (Lucifer in Supernatural  Show)

“Total support” would include taking ANY STEPS to prevent these mass shootings. You, your white supremacist agenda, and the @NRA’s gun lobby are responsible. This doesn’t happen in Europe or Canada or China or even Russia.

And he replied to a tweet by Donald Trump as follows:

20 dead. You did this, @realDonaldTrump. You incite violence and you prey on fear. I don’t wish you dead, but I do wish you out of office. There is no reason to arm civilians with weapons of war. There is no reason to foment hate.

By #GSCorp

Jul 22, 2019

How world leaders reacted to Donald Trump’s “racisim” comments on US female Representatives?

14th July 2019 President Donald Trump posted a tweet targeting some US Congresswomen with immigration origins.

He started with “So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly ...”

Then he further commented “....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how ....”

He continued “....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!”His comments received wide spread reactions from public figures of the county, both negative and supportive as always.

Some world leaders also raised their voice on the issue, of course those only come from the big economies.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau found a smart and clever way to express his opinions when being asked about it: "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian, and the diversity of our country is in fact one of our greatest strengths ... and we will continue to defend that."

UK Prime Minister May, who is set to step down next week following her resignation over Brexit, thinks “the language which was used to refer to the women was completely unacceptable” spokesman James Slack said on her behalf.

Then in an official meeting, she directly declared that “ I myself alluded to and I have strongly condemned those comments made by President Trump”.

Meanwhile, in Germany, Chancellor Markel declared "I firmly distance myself from it and feel solidarity toward the attacked women”.

She further said that "people of very different nationalities have contributed to the strength of the American people" and  Trump's statements "contradict the strength of America."

It seems that leaders of the top economies do not support such comments by Trump, however, in the US Trump is still gaining the support from certain portions of his voters.

By #GSCorp

Jun 23, 2019

The cute betting between Justin Trudeau and Nancy Pelosi: who won?

During his visit the the US, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won American House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday over a bet that the Toronto Raptors would defeat the Golden State Warriors to win the NBA Championship.

To settle the wager, Pelosi presented Trudeau with a basket of California wine and chocolate at a joint news conference at the US Capitol – describing them as products of the great state of California -- starting with chocolate, almonds, walnuts, pistachios and wine.

In return, Trudeau also presented the loser with chocolate he said was made by a company called Peace by Chocolate in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.

The two politicians have met to talk about the recent progress made toward the ratification of the new NAFTA and expanding trade between Canada and the US.
Two of them have also exchanged thankfulness for each other's nice guestures on Twitter.

Apr 7, 2019

Anthony Scaramucci: President Trump lies because it's fun

During a presser with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, President Donald Trump claimed that his father was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany", so he had  "a great feeling for Germany".

But according his farther birth certificate (Fred Trump), he was born in Bronx, New York. So many people think the President told a lie.

 Talking about this, Anthony Scaramucci who served as White House Communication Director for a short period of 6 days said "He [the President] does this because it's fun", and the mass media and a large group of people will talk about it over and over.

Mar 7, 2019

Trudeau admits erosion of trust within his cabinet but denies any wrong doing

Amid the intensifying heat of the SNC-Lavalin scandal, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday 7th March that he regretted an erosion of trust within his government but denied that he and his staff had applied inappropriate pressure on his former justice minister.

Transcript of Trudeau's remarks:

"What has become clear through the various testimonies is that over the past months there was an erosion of trust between my office and specifically my former principal secretary and the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General.

I was not aware of that erosion of trust does Prime Minister and leaders of the Federal Ministries.

I should have been in regards to standing up for jobs and defending the integrity of our rule of law.

I continue to say that there was no inappropriate pressure.

I'm obviously reflecting on lessons learned through this and I think Canadians expect that of us that anytime we go through periods of internal disagreement and indeed challenges to internal trust as we have there are things that we have to reflect on and understand and do better next time." End quote

The cuisines Vietnam served Donald Trump during the US - North Korea summit

Although the historical meeting between Donald Trump and  Kim Jong Un did not bring about dramatic outcomes as expected, cuisine lovers all around the world still have one thing to concern about: what are the courses the host country Vietnam prepares to serve the US President.

A luncheon was hosted on 27th Feb at Vietnam's White House (the new government building) where Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers formally receive guests. After a brief discussion with Prime Minister Phuc, Donald Trump enjoyed a lunch consisting of following courses:

Course 1: Fresh shredded green mango  salad with scallops, mint leaves, and cashew nuts served in a sweet vinaigrette dressing.

Course 2: Deep fried Hanoi-style spring rolls, with shrimp, pork, vermicelli, and vegetables, served with a side of sweet, sour fish sauce and red chilies

Course 3: King crab meat  and spinach in a light (and usually clear) seafood-based broth.

Course 4: Main entrée

     · Grilled cod fish (CHA CA) a pan-fried white fish with turmeric and dill, served with various herbs and vermicelli noodle.

      · Roasted Wagyu beef medallions with foige grass, and a semi-sweet fermented black rice (The fermented black rice may have an alcoholic essence due to the fermentation, similar to Japanese sake).

<   · Sautéed "Su Su" vegetables with garlic.  Su Su refer to green chayote stems and leaves which are crisp with a mild, fresh and grassy flavor with mellow undertones of cucumber.

      · Steamed sticky glutinous rice with shrimp wrapped in a lotus leaf.

Course 5:  Dessert A traditional Vietnamese dessert consisting of lotus seeds, longans, and white wood-ear mushrooms, served warm in a sugary syrup (Lotus seeds are also known as lotus nuts. Longans are a South East Asia similar to lychees.

Sounds luxurious? It's not. Actually you can find most of the above food easily in popular restaurants or cafes at affordable price.